Several inquiries have been made to the officials of the Archdiocese of Dubuque concerning the institution, Buchanan Abbey, which is located near Independence, IA. The inquiries arose because of communications in various media announcing that Mass and other religious services are being held at that institution and are open to the public.
Assertions are also being made that the leader of the Buchanan Abbey is a Roman Catholic priest and that the institution is a Roman Catholic Benedictine Abbey. No evidence has been provided to the officials of the Archdiocese of a valid ordination to the priesthood. Neither has any evidence been provided that would prove that the institution is in communion with Pope Benedict XVI, the Bishop of Rome.
The institution is clearly not in communion with the Archbishop of Dubuque, who has not given any permission or approval to the institution.
In his solicitude for the spiritual welfare of the Roman Catholics of the Archdiocese, Archbishop Jerome Hanus, O.S.B., alerts the faithful, religious, and clergy of the Archdiocese that to the best of his knowledge there is no validly ordained priest at the Buchanan Abbey. If that is the case, there is great doubt that the Mass and confessions at the Buchanan Abbey are in accord with the law of the Roman Catholic Church. This communication is intended to warn the faithful of the Archdiocese of Dubuque to exercise great caution in relating to this institution.