Archbishop Paglia [President of the Pontifical Academy for Life] said the church has long been very careful and attentive to the morality of vaccines using cell lines developed decades ago from the tissue of aborted fetuses. It has established that “there is no ethical problem” for the recipient and no cooperation with evil because of the “remoteness” of the original abortions.
“Rather, the problem is the inverse. The risk is the irresponsibility toward oneself and others” by refusing vaccination against a deadly disease, he said.
When you're done with COVID, it doesn't mean it's done with you. Protect yourself with a COVID vaccine. Find vaccines near you at
The UK Health Security Agency released a rapid review examining available evidence from 15 studies conducted around the world prior to January 12, 2022, to determine the effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination against long COVID. The analysis suggests that individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have a significantly reduced risk of developing long COVID symptoms compared to partially vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals, and those currently suffering long COVID who are unvaccinated may experience some improvement if they get the shots. The review underscores the importance of vaccination in lowering the risk of infection in the first place and the potential to lower the risk of long-term symptoms if a breakthrough infection occurs.
This website provides general information, not medical advice to specific individuals. Please consult your healthcare provider before undertaking any treatment or vaccination if you have any particular questions or concerns.
For prayer and other resources, please see our Prayer and Support page.
For policies and other general information, please click here.
Vaccine Information Page
-includes links to campaign videos and to the other Iowa Dioceses
Press Release
Statement from the Bishops of Iowa - 11/17/21
The four bishops of Iowa released a joint statement regarding the reception of COVID-19 vaccines for the faithful:
Since with the development of COVID-19 vaccines to help combat the coronavirus pandemic, over 56% of Iowans have received the vaccine. The faithful of the Catholic Church are receiving the vaccine in larger numbers than any other denomination. Despite the effectiveness, many are hesitant to receive the vaccine for a variety of reasons.
We restate that vaccination has been proven to be the most effective way to fight the virus that continues to affect and kill so many. In communion with Pope Francis, we remind the faithful that the common good of public health should generally take precedence over any moral reservation about receiving vaccines; they will not be effective if people do not use them.
Los cuatro Obispos de Iowa emitieron un comunicado de prensa acerca de la aceptación de las vacunas de COVID-19 para los fieles:
Desde el momento que se inició el desarrollo de las vacunas de COVID-19 para combatir la pandemia en contra del coronavirus, más del 56% de los residentes de Iowa han recibido la vacuna. Los fieles de la Iglesia Católica están recibiendo la vacuna en mayor número que cualquier otro grupo o denominación religiosa.
A pesar de la eficiencia de la vacuna, muchas personas dudan en vacunarse. Nosotros reiteramos que se ha demostrado que la vacunación es la forma más eficaz de combatir el virus que continúa afectando y matando a tantas personas. En comunión con el Papa Francisco, le recordamos a los fieles que el bien común de la salud pública debe prevalecer sobre cualquier reserva moral para recibir las vacunas; estas no serán eficaces si las personas no se las aplican.
Bốn giám mục iowa đã đưa ra một tuyên bố chung liên quan đến việc tiếp nhận vắc-xin COVID-19 cho Các tín hữu:
Kể từ khi phát triển vắc-xin COVID-19 để chốnạnối coronavirus 56 Ing hi coronavirus, 56% hi coronavirus đã được tiêm vắc-xin. Các tín hữu của Giáo hội Công giáo đang nhận được vắc-xin với số lượng lớn hơn bất kỳ giáo phái nào khác. Mặc dù hiệu quả của nó, Nhiều người trong dân số đang do dự khi nhận được vắc-xin.
Chúng tôi khẳng định rằng tiêm chủng đã được chứng minh là cách hiệu quả nhất để chống lại virus tiếp tục ảnh hưởng và giết chết rất nhiều người. Khi hiệp thông với Đức Giáo Hoàng Phanxicô, chúng tôi nhắc nhở các tín hữu rằng lợi ích chung của sức khỏe cộng đồng nên được ưu tiên hơn bất kỳ vi sự vo vo vô vô chún chún bất kỳ muệ voi v không sử dụng chúng.
Most Rev. / Reverendísimo Michael Jackels
Archbishop of Dubuque / Arzobispo de Dubuque
Most Rev. / Reverendísimo R. Walker Nickless
Bishop of Sioux City / Obispo de Sioux City
Most Rev. / Reverendísimo Thomas Zinkula
Bishop of Davenport / Obispo de Davenport
Most Rev. / Reverendísimo William Joensen
Bishop of Des Moines / Obispo de Des Moines
In these days, we are conscious that the fight against the pandemic still calls for a significant effort on the part of everyone; certainly, the New Year will continue to be demanding in this regard. The coronavirus continues to cause social isolation and to take lives. Among those who have died, I would like to mention the late Archbishop Aldo Giordano, an Apostolic Nuncio who was well-known and respected in the diplomatic community. At the same time, we have realized that in those places where an effective vaccination campaign has taken place, the risk of severe repercussions of the disease has decreased.
It is therefore important to continue the effort to immunize the general population as much as possible. This calls for a manifold commitment on the personal, political and international levels. First, on the personal level. Each of us has a responsibility to care for ourself and our health, and this translates into respect for the health of those around us. Health care is a moral obligation. Sadly, we are finding increasingly that we live in a world of strong ideological divides. Frequently people let themselves be influenced by the ideology of the moment, often bolstered by baseless information or poorly documented facts. Every ideological statement severs the bond of human reason with the objective reality of things. The pandemic, on the other hand, urges us to adopt a sort of “reality therapy” that makes us confront the problem head on and adopt suitable remedies to resolve it. Vaccines are not a magical means of healing, yet surely they represent, in addition to other treatments that need to be developed, the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the disease.
A political commitment is thus needed to pursue the good of the general population through measures of prevention and immunization that also engage citizens so that they can feel involved and responsible, thanks to a clear discussion of the problems and the appropriate means of addressing them. The lack of resolute decision-making and clear communication generates confusion, creates mistrust and undermines social cohesion, fueling new tensions. The result is a “social relativism” detrimental to harmony and unity.
In the end, a comprehensive commitment on the part of the international community is necessary, so that the entire world population can have equal access to essential medical care and vaccines.
(From: Address to the Diplomatic Corps, 1/10/22)
RESOURCE: Catholic Factchecking
In order to help to clarify fake news and misleading information about vaccines against COVID-19, an international consortium of Catholic media, news agencies and world-renowned scientists is being founded. Pope Francis, the Holy See and bishops’ conferences from around the world have spoken out about the importance to get vaccinated to respect not only one’s own life, but also that of others.
COVID-19 Vaccines Religious Exemption - Diocese of Davenport
Vaccines - An Act of Love (background information with links to original sources)
-Partial list of other medications tested using the HEK293 cell line
-A note on new anti-virals (11/16/21)
En Español (Comunicado de los Obispos de Iowa sobre las Vacunas contra el COVID-19)
In Vietnamese (Tuyên Bố về Chủng Ngừa COVID-19)
-12/22/21: Vatican reiterates that vaccines are ethically acceptable, recommended
-Statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Vatican)
-CHA: Why the CDF 'Note on the Morality of Using Some Anti-Covid-19 Vaccines'
Suggests a Moral Obligation to Receive SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines
-Statement by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
-Q&A from the US Bishops
-Video from the USCCB
- Vatican Guidance on the Issue of Vaccines (2005)
-Updated 2017
- Medical Ethics, Archdiocese of Dubuque
- Table of Vaccines from the Charlotte Lozier Institute
- Template Letter to Vaccine Producers
- Video from Fr. Casey Cole, OFM
- Loyola Marymount: Vaccination is a Life Issue
-article from CHA
- Webinar on Conscience Formation (Catholic Cares Coalition)
- Podcast: Sharing Wisdom: Forming Your Conscience
CatholicCares - this site provides a number of resources from a Catholic perspective in order to promote and encourage vaccination against COVID-19 and vaccine equity. The Diocese of Davenport is a member of this coalition.
>Formation Sessions: recordings of 5 virtual formation sessions aimed at providing human, spiritual, and pastoral support for thosestruggling to understand, affirm, and act on the teachings of Pope Francis, the USCCB, and Catholic Social Teaching.
>Other Resources
>Pray-Study-Act for Global Vaccine Access (Maryknoll)
>Parish Engagement Webinar: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 (12 noon Central Time)
This 50-minute webinar will present the Parish Engagement program developed by Catholic Charities in Santa Clara County to promote and provide vaccine acceptance. The model— often called a “pop up”—is good to know. It may be possible to implement in your area.
Everyone 50 and older and certain immunocompromised people can now get a second COVID vaccine booster. Learn more at #WeCanDoThis
- Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH)
- (portal to COVID information and resources)
- / Vacunas .gov
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
>FAQ sheet for Faith-Based Organizations
>When You've Been Fully Vaccinated
>Vaccine Finder
>Vaccines for Children and Teens
>Bilingual/Multicultural Resources:
- BrainsOn!
- video explaining vaccine efficacy (good for grownups, too!)
- AMA: 7 Reasons Parents Should Get Their Kids Vaccinated Aganist COVID-19