Parish Accessibility Survey (click here)
You may want to consider something like the following steps:
In collaboration with your pastor, make sure that leadership groups (for example, parish council, liturgy committee, building and grounds) are supportive of the accessibility survey being conducted.
Inform the community that the accessibility survey is being used (perhaps in the bulletin or announcements at Mass).
Complete the survey with a small group on the parish grounds.
Take any issues that arise to the leadership groups you started with (see Step 1) for conversation about next steps.
Throughout, make sure the community is informed of the process, findings, and next steps.
Importantly, if there are specific communities needing access (e.g. those in wheel chairs, those who are visually or hearing impaired), invite them to be part of the process.
For any questions you may have, please contact Deacon Frank Agnoli, diocesan Director of Liturgy at [email protected] or 563-888-4257.
You can download a printable version of these suggestions here: PDF | MSDOC
For pratical tips and examples of these practices, download the document here: (English | Español)