Deacons and their wives assisting at the Share Iowa food bank
The following links are provided as a service to those who are engaged in Diaconal ministry. The diocese is not responsible for their content, and does not necessarily agree with the material found or opinions expressed on those sites. Some of the sites are explicitly Catholic; others are not. Please report any concerns or broken links to the webmaster.
Please see the Deacon Formation page for more resources.
Official Church Sites
Vatican - Congregation for the Clergy
USCCB - Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations
Deacon Organizations
Deacons in the Service of Life Homepage
On this website, you will find items of interest for the ministry of the deacon, in relationship to the advancement of the pro-life cause. Information related to preaching, counseling, and organizing activities on the theme of respect for life will be available.
National Association of Diaconate Directors
Other Resources
A blog for deacons hosted by Dc. Bill Ditewig.
This website is intended to provide a useful resource for obtaining information about the Roman Catholic faith, the Roman Catholic Church and the Permanent Diaconate.
Deacon Digest
Deacon Digest magazine is the only publication written for Catholic permanent deacons, deacon candidates, and their families. Now in its 25th year of publication, Deacon Digest is dedicated to promoting the permanent diaconate ministry by providing the latest news and feature stories about the diaconate on the diocesan, regional, national, and international level.
A website promoting Catholic Social Teaching and involvement in the political sphere.
"The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) supports the Catholic health ministry's pursuit of the strategic directions of mission, ethics, and advocacy." Their website includes a new service: homilies that relate to healthcare issues.
Reading the Word of God with the Church (Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy)
An extensive library of research tools... use on-line or download...
This website, created by Fr. Robert Barron, contains a great deal of information helpful for preaching and evangelization. Their CATHOLICISM Project--a huge video undertaking designed to tell the story of Catholic Christianity--is definitely worth a look.