While the Office of Faith Formation is curating these resources for you, we are not endorsing one resource over another. We have done initial research into the resources, but encourage all parishes/individuals to look at the information and make their own determination which, if any, to utilize.
The Office of Faith Formation does not maintain the content of these external sites and cannot control any advertisements or messages contained therein.
This is not meant to be an exclusive or exhaustive list of resources.
If you have a question on a particular resource, either on this list or that you identify on your own, please contact the Office of Faith Formation.
Explaining Liturgical Colors from Sadlier (en Español)
Take Me Home: Notes on the Church Year for Children from Liturgy Training Publications
The Year of our Lord 2020/2021 from Pflaum
Year of Grace 2021 Liturgical Calendar from Liturgy Training Publications (en Español)
A Yearbook of Seasons and Celebrations from LIturgy Training Publications
An Introduction to the Liturgical Year from Liturgy Training Publications
Around the Year with the von Trapp Family from Sophia Institute Press
Blessings and Prayers Through the Year from Liturgy Training Publications
Companion to the Calendar: A Guide to the Saints, Seasons and Holidays of the Year from Liturgy Training Publications
Feasts of the Church Year: Celebrating Our Faith Together! from Bayard Faith Resources
The Catholic All Year Compendium from Ignatius Press
Catechetical Crafts for the Liturgical Year from The Pastoral Center
Exploring Liturgical Seasons with Young Adolescents from St. Mary's Press
Liturgical Colors Mini Lesson and Activity from Sadlier
My Church Year Calendar from Creative Communications for the Parish
Sensing the Seasons: Learning Centers for the Church Year from The Pastoral Center
The Liturgical Year Coloring Book from Look to Him and Be Radiant
The Liturgical Year Puzzle from Joyful Catholic Families
The Liturgical Year Worksheet from Catholic Mom.com
Opening and Closing Prayers for the Liturgical Year from St. Mary's Press
Prayer for the New Church Year from RCL Benziger
Kids and the Church Year from Paraclete Press