Media may be borrowed for an initial period of one month, with the possibility of renewal. Individuals may pick materials up at the Chancery (780 W Central Park Ave) or they will be mailed to parishes outside the Quad Cities at no charge.
To borrow media, please complete the Media Request Form.
Little Rock Scripture Studies are DVD-based studies designed to:
help people to read, study and live the Word of God.
encourage people to grow in personal knowledge of God.
help people experience a greater sense of Christian community.
promote and teach Roman Catholic biblical scholarship.
Little Rock Scripture Study Leadership and Coordinator's Kit
Little Rock Scripture Study Sampler
First Corinthians
Galatians and Romans
Introduction to the Bible
Letters from Prison
Pilgrim People
Praying the Scriptures
Psalms I
Psalms II
The Acts of the Apostles
The Eucharist in Scripture
The Gospel According to John and the Johannine Letters
The Gospel According to Luke
The Gospel According to Mark
The Gospel According to Matthew
The Infancy Narratives of Jesus
The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of Jesus
The Spirituality of the Gospels
Women in the New Testament
All Little Rock Scripture Studies contain a DVD, Study Book, Study Guide, and Answer Guide.