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This study explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in Mass and explains their profound significance. (Ascension Press, 2012)
3 DVDs, Leader Guide, Student, Guide, Text
Explore the basics of the liturgy as the official, public prayer of the Church and the reasons behind the changes in the Third Roman Missal. (Franscican Media/USCCB, 2011)
DVD, CD w/Study Guide
This program seeks to prepare parents to have their children baptized and to win over their hearts at this important time in their lives. Through hospitality, free-flowing conversation, and a thoughtfully developed follow-up plan, Belonging seeks to change the tradtional approach to baptismal preparation. (Ascension Press, 2017)
3 DVDs, Parent's Guide
Join Fr. Robert Barron for a look at the Eucharist, the "source and summit of the Christian life." Explore the Eucharist as Sacred Meal, as Sacrifice and as Real Presence. (Word on Fire, 2010)
DVD, Study Guide/Workbook
Explore the grace and healing offered in Confession and discover how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God's love. This study communicates God's invitation to come experience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (Augustine Institute, 2016)
6 DVDs, Leader Guide, Study Guide
A Confirmation Retreat on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit designed for students ages 11-14, introducing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how one experiences and uses them in daily life. (Novalis, 2013)
A dramatization of the lives of young men contemplating life in the priesthood and the last few weeks of their journey to a decision. (A&E TV, 2006)
Story about the Eucharist, intergenerational relationships, death, and family tradtion. (Franciscan Communications, 2006)
DVD, Study Guide
Join Bishop Barron and the seminarians of Mundelein Seminary for a presentation on the demands and joys of the priestly vocation. (Word on Fire, 2014)
Explore the radical mystery of God's love expressed in the Eucharist and discover how in this sacrament God is really present to help and strengthen us at every step of life's journey. This study invites each individual into a deeper, more intimate union with God. (Augustine Institute, 2018)
4 DVDs, Leader Guide, Study Guide
Join Bishop Barron for an exploration of the Mass and see how it brings us into the heavenly realm, how it resonates with a call from God and a response from his people and how we are intimately joined with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist. (Word on Fire, 2018)
2 DVDs, Leader Guide
An exploration of the development and history of the sacrament of Matrimony. (Twenty-Third Publications, 2004)