Media may be borrowed for an initial period of one month, with the possibility of renewal. Individuals may pick materials up at the Chancery (780 W Central Park Ave) or they will be mailed to parishes outside the Quad Cities at no charge.
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This 7 session program addresses the questions most on the minds of today's youth - from pornography and "hooking up" to what the future holds and finding authentic happiness. (Paradius Dei, 2013)
7 DVDs, Leader Guide
This 4 disc DVD series features presentations from Dr. Peter Kleponis, Fr. Sean Kilcawley, Matt Fradd and Ron DeHaas. It includes scientific information, current statisitics, and personal testimonies that expose the reality of pornography, while providing a pathway to ending this epidemic and halting the effects pornography is having on society. (Integrity Restored, 2017)
4 DVDs, Workbook
What’s the only way to kill a porn habit? Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. Jason Evert provides strategies to win the war.
Protecting Innocence: Parenting, Your Kids, and the Internet, Matt Fradd guides parents in taking decisive action to protect their children and empowers adults with specific wording to effectively address the sensitive topic of pornography with children of all ages. (Augustine Institute, 2018)
Introduces parents to tools that will help them identify signs of pornography viewing by their children and offers concrete actions caregivers can take to protect them from inappropriate material and cyber bullying.
2 DVDs (Unfiltered & Safe Haven Starts at Home), Parent's How-To Guide Book
The Hidden Battle: And How To Win It, Matt Fraud lays out a seven-step battle plan on how to uproot the vice of pornography once and for all. (Augustine Institute, 2017)
Protecting Your Family Online: A Parent’s How-To Guide that equips parents to have ongoing conversations about internet pornography. (Covenant Eyes, 2015)