Media may be borrowed for an initial period of one month, with the possibility of renewal. Individuals may pick materials up at the Chancery (780 W Central Park Ave) or they will be mailed to parishes outside the Quad Cities at no charge.
To borrow media, please complete the Media Request Form.
A retreat with the Gospel of Matthew designed to immerse one in the distinctive features of the gospel and designed to deepen one's relationship with Jesus Christ. (Now You Know Media, 2011)
4 CDs, CD w/Study Guide
Explore the familiar story of Christmas as told in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. With the beauty and power of art and sacred text, let this presentation be a catalyst for your journey of faith during Advent. (Morehouse Education Resources, 2011)
DVD, Discussion Guide
Using a Lectio Divina format, this study walks participants through the readings of the season of Advent in Year C. (Catholic Scripture Study International, 2012)
DVD, Study Guide
Fr. Robert Barron presents six Biblical stories of true conversion. They were people who were called by Christ to become better. (Word on Fire, 2010)
DVD, Study Guide
Jean Vanier retraces the actual steps through the Holy Land of the events and accounts of the Gospel of John. (Franciscan Media, 2013)
3 DVDs, CD-ROM, Leader Guide, Participant Guide
Discover how Luke's beautiful, compelling protrait of Jesus Christ reveals God's mercy in the startling events of Our Lord's life, in His powerful miracles, and in His gracious teaching. (St. Benedict Press, 2016)
3 DVDs, Leader Guide, Participant Guide
Rooted in the Old Testament, this study challenges individuals to understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, recognize the foreshadowing of Christ in the Old Testament and realize one's own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission. (Word on Fire, 2014)
2 DVDs, Leader's Guide
The Great Adventure Bible Timeline covers the overarching story of God's plan of salvation and gives an understanding of how the people, places, events and themes of Scripture fit together. (Ascension Press, 2013)
12 DVDs, Leader Guide, Student Workbook, Chart, Bookmark, Bracelet, Intro DVDs
The Gospel of John comes to life in this dramatization of the Biblical text. (Visual Bible International, 2003)
3 DVDs
Explore the powerful story of Holy Week as told in the four gospels. With the beauty and power of art and sacred text, let this presentation act as a catalyst for your journey of faith during the Lenten Season. (Morehouse Education Resources, 2012)
DVD, Discussion Guide