These gatherings by deanery allow local catechetical leaders to gather for enrichment, support, and small group conversations. DREs, Youth Ministers, catechists, Sacrament coordinators, etc. are welcome to attend.
Please see the schedule below for meetings by deanery. For information about attending, please contact Trevor Pullinger.
Second Tuesday of the month: Davenport & Clinton Deaneries
Third Tuesday of the month: Ottumwa Deanery
Fourth Tuesday of odd numbered months: Keokuk Deanery
TBD: Iowa City Deanery
Diocesan Youth Ministry Leaders Gathering (virtual)- See details below
Each month all parish youth ministry leaders are invited to a diocesan gathering for mutual prayer, support, professional development, sharings of ideas and resources, and updates on diocesan programs and services. These gatherings take place on the 1st Tuesday of most months beginning at 10 am and typically last around 90 minutes.
This year we are in discernment about the future of these gatherings and welcome everyones input.
DATES & LOCATIONS for 2023-2024
The table below lists the dates for the 2023-2024 gatherings. Agendas will appear approximately one week before each gathering, and minutes will usually be posted in the week following each gathering.
Each gathering requires registration via zoom. To request the meeting link, please contact Trevor Pullinger
Date | Agenda | Minutes | JOIN THE GATHERING ONLINE |
August 1 | Agenda | Minutes |
ARE BEING HELD VIA ZOOM (virtually) In-person meeeting schedule will be decided at the August 1st gathering via zoom. To receive the link and instructions to join in virtually, please pre-register for the meeting. Notice of all meetings are emailed to all youth ministry and faith formation leaders the week before each meeting. If you do not receive the notice and would like to attend, contact Trevor Pullinger |
September 5 | Cancelled | N/A | |
October 3 | Agenda | Minutes | |
November 6 | N/A | N/A | |
December 5 | Agenda | Minutes | |
February 6 | Agenda | Minutes | |
March 5 | MM Q&A | N/A | |
April 2 | Agenda | Minutes | |
May 7 | Agenda | Minutes | |
June 4 | Agenda | Minutes | |