Affirmation of and Commitment to the Call of the 1978 Pastoral Statement - 2018 (NCPD)
Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities - 2017 (USCCB)
Guiding Principles and Strategies for Inclusion in the Liturgy of Catholics with Disabilities - 2005 (FDLC) **Note: Appendicies 9 and 10 of this document are superceded by the Diocese of Davenport's Policies/Resources on these topics**
Opening Hearts, Minds and Doors - 1999 (NFPC)
Orientaciones para la Celebración de los Sacramentos con Personas con Discapacidades - 2017 (USCCB)
Pastoral Statement of US Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities - 1978 (USCCB)
Policies Relating to the Eucharist and Those with an Intolerance of Gluten and/or Alcohol - 2019 (Diocese of Davenport)
Policy for Working with Sign Language Interpreters in Catholic Religious Settings (NCOD)
Principles of Universal Design - 1997 (Center for Universal Design)
Resource: Parish Accessibility Survey - 2017 (Diocese of Davenport)
Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Medical Treatment during the Covid-19 Pandemic (en Español)
A Theological Engagement on Disability (Webinar) - Discussion Questons
Awakening Spiritual Dimensions (Webinar)
Fostering a Culture of Inclusion in Evangelization and Catechesis (Webinar)
From Barriers to Belonging: The Church and People with Disabilities (Video Lecture)
Families who Love Down Syndrome Members (Podcast)
Moral Theology, Thomas Aquinas and the Question of Disability (Webinar)
Praying with Children with Disabilities (Webinar)
Two Purposes: Accepting and Including People with Disabilities (Video)
Beyond the Ramp: A Parish Guide to Welcoming Persons with Disabilities from Twenty-Third Publications
From Longing to Belonging from Inclusion Innovations
Here with Us: A Parish Guide to Serving People with Dementia from Twenty-Third Publications
How to Talk to Children about People with Disabilities from Twenty-Third Publications
How to Welcome, Include, and Catechize Children with Autism and other Special Needs from Loyola Press
Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All from Twenty-Third Publications
Genesis 27: 1 (Isaac went blind)
Genesis 29: 17 (Leah possibly had an eye problem)
Genesis 32: 32 (Jacob limped)
Exodus 4: 10 (Moses was a stutterer)
Leviticus 19: 14
Deuteronomy 27: 18-19
1 Samuel 10: 19-23, 16: 14-18 (Saul was shy and moody)
Ministry to individuals with special needs and their families is truly a unique experience and one that must be tailored to the individual. Suggestions and resources listed here are offered as guides, but "one size does not fit all" when it comes to Special Needs Ministry.
The most important part of this ministry is building a relationship and being "person-centered" in tailoring adaptations and accommodations to the individual's needs.
Parents, siblings and caregivers are great assets to ministers in identifying appropriate and life-giving adaptations. Ministry to individuals with special needs must include ministry to the caregivers and opportunities for their respite as well as meeting the individual's needs.
Adaptations and accommodations benefit the entire group of individuals in a classroom and formation setting.
All students do not learn in the same way.
We all have human needs and some individuals need special accommodations to have those human needs met.
Effective Catechesis for all utilizes multiple:
Means of Presentation
Means of Expression
Means of Engagement
Adaptive Confirmation Preparation Kit (Loyola Press)
Adaptive Finding God (Loyola Press)
Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit (Loyola Press)
Adaptive Reconciliation Kit (Loyola Press)
Hands of Grace: The Catholic Sacraments in American Sign Language (Ascension Press)
How Religious Organizations Can Be more Accessible to People Who Are Deaf (Baylor University)
Inclusive Catechesis Resources (Institute for Pastoral Initiatives, University of Dayton)
Strengthened in Faith: Confirmation DVD Set (National Catholic Office for the Deaf)
Strengthened in Faith: Confirmation Manual (National Catholic Office for the Deaf)
The Mass - Visual Booklet
The Office of Faith Formation has copies of most of these materials for parishes to review. Contact Colleen Darland to schedule an appointment for review.