From the USCCB – daily readings . Sign up here.
From Catholic Mobilizing Network written by leaders in prison ministry and those who work against the death penalty. Sign up at here.
From Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute. Sign up here.
An Advent Calendar from the Laudato Si' Movement: Click here.
Resources from Catholic Climate Covenant: Click here.
Resources from LA Catholics: Click here. neither a series of ideas nor a sequence of festivals that are of greater or lesser importance, but a Person, Christ himself, who is ever living in his Church."
-Pope Pius XII
Norms on the Obligation to Attend Mass on Holy Days and on the Celebration of Ritual Masses and Masses for the Dead (courtesy of the Archdiocese of Dubuque's Office of Worship).
What Masses can be celebrated on which days? Here are the answers as a series of PPT slides.
USCCB: US Liturgical Calendar
USCCB: The Liturgical Seasons
USCCB: Respect Life Action Guides (for 2019-2020)
National Catholic Rural Life Conference (NCRLC)
Prayers for occasions and feast days throughout the year...
Liturgy Office of England and Wales
While some of the information on this site is specific to the Catholic Church in England and Wales, there is a wealth of general information on the seasons and feasts here that it is worth a visit.
Pastoral Liturgy
This magazine, published by LTP, is filled with seasonal resources. A list of articles from past issues can be found in the Archive.
The Catholic Calendar Page
Provides information on the liturgical day--including readings (but links to the NAB and not the lectionary) and the Rosary.
Catholic Culture
Self-described as "the most comprehensive treatment of the Liturgical Year available online: daily reflections, saints, seasons, calendars, prayers, activities, and recipes."
The Liturgical Seasons with Mary
From the University of Dayton. A description of the Marian Feasts with links to other resources on Dayton's comprehensive Mariology website.
FDLC: Mystagogical Reflections on the Collects & Prayers after Communion
This free service is from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC). Also available in booklet form from the Diocese of Springfield (IL).
Diocese of Davenport
> Notes on Advent
>Notes on Christmastime
FDLC: Preparing for Advent & Christmas (incl. Reconciliation Liturgy for Advent) >2024 / En Español
>2023 / En Español
>2022 / En Español
>2021 / En Español
>2020 / En Español / Other Resources
>2019 / En Español
>2018 / En Español
>2017 / En Español
>2016 / En Español / Cantos para el Adviento
> 2014
FDLC: Reflections on Collects & Prayers after Communion
> Christmastime
FDLC Region 7: Navigating the Roman Missal
Peace & Justice
>CRS Advent Toolkit: The following activities, videos and prayers will help faith communities to encounter the experience of our immigrant and refugee neighbors, and through it, find new meaning in the Journey of the Holy Family.
>Advent with Kids (Sacraparental)
>A Peace & Justice Advent Calendar
>A "Reverse" Advent Calendar (Catholic Charities Spokane)
>A 2016 Advent Calendar for Peace & Justice (pdf)
>Maryknoll 2020
>CHA Advent 2020
>Catholic Climate Covenant
>Avoiding Anti-Judaism in Advent: Excerpt from God's Mercy Endures Forever: Guidelines on the Presentation of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Preaching (USCCB,1988)
>NPM website: Nativity Proclamation & Epiphany Proclamation (see Appendix I of Missal)
>Epiphany Blessing of Chalk: PDF / MS Word
>After the Year of Mercy: Still Living Mercy in Advent (Bulletin Shorts)
>USCCB Advent
>USCCB Christmas
>Ecumenical Resources related to Advent and Christmas music (not specifically Catholic)
>Admirabile Signum: an apostolic letter on the nativity scene by Pope Francis
>CHA Advent Resources 2021 (Visio Divina)
>CHA Advent Reflection Booklet 2021
Diocese of Davenport
> Notes on Lent
> Notes on Easter Time
>An Easter Sprinkling Rite
>Caring for our Common Home: A Lenten Reflection for Iowans (Iowa Catholic Conference)
>Lent FAQs
FAST—Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast. On days of fast, one full meal and two lesser meals are allowed. Eating between meals is not permitted. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are bound to fast.
ABSTINENCE—Ash Wednesday and all of the Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence. On days of abstinence, meat may not be taken. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics fourteen years of age or older. If members of the Faithful are unable to observe the fast and abstinence regulations because of ill health or other reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of penance and self-denial suitable to their condition.
FDLC: Preparing for Lent & Easter (incl. Reconciliation Liturgy for Lent)
>2024 (in English) (en Español)
>2023 (English & Español)
>2022 (English & Español)
>2021 (en Español )
>2020 (en Español)
>2019 (en Español)
>2018 (en Español)
>2017 (errata) (Recursos en Español)
> 2015
> 2014
>2014 (Recursos en Español)
FDLC: Reflections on Collects & Prayers after Communion
>Lent (incl. Scrutinies)
>Paschal Triduum & Easter Time
FDLC Region 7: Navigating the Roman Missal
>Music - Holy Week & Triduum
> Holy Week
> Holy Thursday
> Good Friday
> Easter Vigil
> Easter Time
>RCIA Bulletin Inserts for Lent
> Readings/Prayers: 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays of Lent
>The Scrutinies and Lent (from the Diocese of Springfield, IL)
> Presentation of the Creed (New Translation) (from the Diocese of Springfield, IL)
Catholic Relief Services
>CRS Ricebowl (Resources and Activities)
>Lenten Calendar 2022
>Stories of Hope Videos
>Stations of the Cross VIdeos
>Lenten Recipes
Reflection Guide for Communities of Missionary Disciples
>From Maryknoll (2019)
>Maryknoll 2022
Lent & Care for Creation
>Catholic Climate Covenant
>Ecospirituality Resources
>Spirituality of Soil
>Reflecting on Laudato Si'
>EarthMinsitry (Washington Interfaith Power & Light)
>Lent Prayer-Action Guide
>Creation Care Lenten Study
>Living Lent
>A Climate-Conscious Lent
>5 Ways to Care for Creation during Lent
>Lenten Lament for Creation
>Greener Lent
>Ignatian Solidarity Network - Laudato Si' Lent
The Triduum
>Rite for the Reception of the Oils (USCCB)
>Care of the Oils (from Diocese of Crookston)
>Blessing / Consecration of the Oils
>Footwashing: Decree / Commentary
>Resources from FDLC Region 7 (Diocese of Springfield, IL)
>The Blessed Sacrament and the Triduum (From the Diocese of Newark)
Divine Mercy Sunday (USCCB Resources)
>Notes & Quotes (English)
> Holy Hour (English)
> Notes & Quotes (Español)
> Holy Hour (Español)
Pentecost Novena
>EWTN website
>Catholic Culture website
>Respecting Judaism and Jewish Traditions during Lent and the Paschal Triduum (BCDW, 2014)
>Avoiding Anti-Judaism during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Time: Excerpt from God's Mercy Endures Forever: Guidelines on the Presentation of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Preaching (USCCB,1988)
>Reconciliation Brochure (The Light Is On For You): PDF / MS Word
>Way of the Cross for Vocations
-Bilingual: Booklet / Pages
-Spanish (Español): Booklet / Pages
-English: Booklet / Pages
>USCCB Triduum
>USCCB Eastertime
>Catholic Australia: "Lent: Celebrating the Paschal Mystery; From Ash to Flame"
>Catholic Climate Covenant
FDLC: Reflections on Collects & Prayers after Communion
>Sundays 1-7
>Sundays 8-14
>Sundays 15-21
>Sundays 22-28
>Sundays 29-34
>Solemnities of the Lord in Ordinary Time
FDLC Region 7: Navigating the Roman Missal
>Ordinary Time - Winter
>Ordinary Time - Summer
> Ordinary Time - Fall
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Sunday of the Word of God
>Aperuit Illis (from Pope Francis, establishing this observation)
>Music Suggestions from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
>From the FDLC (2020)
>USCCB Resources
New American Bible
>Specific resources for the Word of God Sunday
Catholic Current (special edition)
>Avoiding Anti-Judaism during Ordinary Time: Excerpt from God's Mercy Endures Forever: Guidelines on the Presentation of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Preaching (USCCB,1988)
(Please see the Preaching Links page for more resources on the this topic)
>Sunday of the Word of God (3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
FDLC: Reflections on Collects & Prayers after Communion
>Proper of Saints
November & Remembering the Dead
>FDLC: "Keep in Mind: Prayers & Practices for Remembering the Dead" (Nov 2020) - updated with corrected version on 11/2/20
>CHA Resources for All Saints Day, All Souls Day & Dias de los Muertos
>The Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy (English) (Español)
> The Mary Page - University of Dayton
Also: The Liturgical Seasons with Mary
>Roman Martyrology (CNA Website)
>Patron Saints
January 23: Optional Memorial of St. Marianne Cope
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
February 27: Optional Memorial of St. Gregory of Narek
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
May 10: Optional Memorial of St. John of Avila
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
May 15: Saint Isidore
> Novena
Monday After Pentecost: Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church
>Liturgical Texts
>Mass: Votive Mass 10. Blessed Virgin Mary, B. Our Lady, Mother of the Church
>Readings: English / Spanish
>Details from the USCCB Newsletter (PDF)
May 29: Optional Memorial of Pope St. Paul VI
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
>Information on USCCB Website
July 14: Memorial of St. Kateri Tekakwitha
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
July 22: Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
> Information on elevation of observance from Memorial to Feast (PDF)
July 29: Obligatory Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
September 17: Optional Memorial of St. Hildegard of Bingen
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
October 5: Optional Memorial of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
October 5: Optional Memorial of Saint Faustina Kowalska
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
October 11: Optional Memorial of Pope St. John XXIII
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
October 22: Optional Memorial of Pope St. John Paul II
> Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
December 10: Our Lady of Loretto
>Liturgical Texts (USCCB website)
>Litany of Loreto (updated by Pope Francis)