In the hope of helping to build a solid foundation for an enriching life-long marriage, couples beginning immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Diocese of Davenport will participate in the following preparation activities:
1. Initial personal interview with the priest, deacon or pastoral minister. Please contact your parish as soon as possible to arrange for this first visit. You will need to allow for at least 6 months to complete the immediate marriage preparation process.
2. Completion of an approved Premarital Inventory (set-up through your parish):
3. Follow-up meetings as determined by the parish minister.
4. Participation in a Marriage Preparation Instructional Program:
Sponsor Couple (preferred option) - check with your parish
Approved Diocesan Marriage or Remarriage Preparation Workshop - see dates below
Approved On-line option (only under special circumstances)
5. Participation in an approved Introductory Natural Family Planning Instruction:
Click here for a listing of free Introduction to NFP sessions.
Click here for a listing of NFP instructors, videos, and approved NFP online classes.
6. Completion of the pre-nuptial investigation form (with parish minister).
7. Post-wedding couple contact plan.
Click here for a summary sheet of these requirements.
We pray that your time of marriage preparation will be filled with grace and growth!
The Sponsor Couple ministry for Marriage Preparation utilizes trained married couples meeting with engaged couples for 5-6 sessions. This option is recommended for all couples: first marriages, for couples in which one or more of the individuals have been previously married, and for civilly married couples preparing to recieve the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church. Contact your parish and asked to be paired with a local Sponsor Couple.
Typical In Person Schedule: Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
In Person Worshop Fee: $150 per couple - covers morning hospitality, books, materials, lunch, dinner and Introduction to Natural Family Instruction
Virtual Weekend Schedule: Saturday 9:00 a.m .-3:00 p.m. & Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 pm
Virtual Workshop Fee: $75 per couple - covers books, materials, and Introduction to Natural Family Instruction
2025 Dates
January 25 & 26: Virtual via Zoom - Registration deadline January 10
April 5, 2025: In Person -St. John Vianney, Bettendorf - Registration deadline March 28
August 16, 2025: In Person- St. Alphonsus, Mt. Pleasant - Registration deadline August 8thAdditional dates will be forthcoming.
Click here to register.
For information contact Marianne Agnoli 563-888-4242 [email protected]
The Diocese of Davenport and Archdiocese of Dubuque offer this marriage preparation program to meet the unique needs of couples in which one or both of the individuals have been previously married. We use the Two Become One... Embracing The Sacrament In Remarriage as our program guide.
Typical in person schedule: Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $100 per couple - covers all books, materials and in person meals.
Does not include lodging.
Upcoming Dates: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Information & Registration
Contact Marianne Agnoli 563-888-4242 [email protected] with questions.
This online program option is reserved for couples experiencing special circumstances and requires parish approval and follow-up. The program includes a premarital inventory (Catholic Couple Checkup), NFP Life - an introduction to Natural Family Planning, His and Her's downloadable discussion guides, and more. The course also offers captioning in English and Spanish, for those who are hard of hearing or have English as a second language.
The online class fee is $195 per couple. A discount is available by request for military couples.
To register go to:
This online program option is reserved for couples experiencing special circumstances and requires parish approval and follow-up. This program offers one-on-one instruction with a certified instructor couple, and is to be completed in three weeks to three months. Online worksheets foster conversation between the couple, and are followed up with personalized feedback from their instructors. The course covers the theology behind NFP, but it does NOT include an actual NFP Introduction Instruction. Instruction available in English, Spanish & French
To register go to:
The online class fee is $239 per couple. A discount is available by request for military couples.
Couples in a rush (less than three weeks) may sign up for the Urgent Care Option- $289
Diocesan Marriage Preparation: Policies and Procedures - Access the policy.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
In our catechesis on marriage and the family, today we reflect on the importance of engagement as a preparation for marriage. The word “engagement” itself speaks of entrustment and commitment. Engagement is a time when couples come to know one another better in planning for the beautiful yet demanding enterprise of marriage. Love itself demands this preparation, which makes possible a free, generous and sober decision to enter into a life-long covenant of love.
For this reason the Church stresses the importance of the period of engagement by offering courses of marriage preparation. With the help of Christian married couples, fiancés are challenged to reflect together on their love, their future and the importance of faith and prayer in the life they are about to share.
Let us pray for young people looking forward to marriage, that they will prepare for the wedding day not in a worldly or banal way, but with the wisdom, hope and joy born of their faith in Christ.
English Summary of Pope Francis’ General Audience Address – May 27, 2015