On June 11, Bishop Martin Amos instituted the nine men in formation for the diaconate for our diocese as Acolytes during the 4:30 pm Mass at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Davenport.
According to the Church’s law and practice, the instituted acolyte is called to serve at the altar, including assisting the Priest and Deacon with the care of the sacred vessels and distributing Communion as an extraordinary minister if needed (GIRM #98). As distinct from the typical parish server or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, these men will now exercise this ministry in a permanent way.
As part of the Rite, Bishop Amos blessed them, saying: “Grant that they may be faithful in the service of your altar and in giving to others the Bread of Life; may they grow always in faith and love, and so build up your Church.” In handing them the bread (or wine) to be consecrated, he reminded them: “make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and of his Church.”
At the close of the intercessions, the Bishop blessed the books and pyxes that they will use to bring Communion to the homebound, sick, and dying.
As their formation continues, we ask that you please keep them and their families in your prayers.