Seven members of Deacon Formation Class VIII will be instututed as Lectors on July 12 at 3pm at the Cathedral.
According to the Church’s law and practice, the instituted lector is charged with proclaiming the readings from the Sacred Scriptures (except for the Gospel), announcing the intentions in the Prayer of the Faithful (in the absence of a Deacon), and reciting or singing the psalm if there is no cantor (GIRM #99). As distinct from the typical parish reader, these men will now exercise this ministry in a permanent way.
As part of the Rite, Bishop Zinkula will bless them, saying: “Grant that as they meditate constantly on your word they may grow in its wisdom and faithfully proclaim it to your people.” In handing them a copy of the Scriptures, he reminds them to “be faithful to handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people.” As their formation continues, we ask that you please keep them and their families in your prayers.
Parishes may wish to include an intercession for them at Masses that weekend; for example:
For the members of Deacon Class 8 and their families, that the word of God would grow strong in their hearts, and that they would witness to it by their lives. Let us pray to the Lord.