Two Feet of Social Action Newsletter: Our newsletter is distributed monthly via email.
If you would like to read previous issues you will find those at
You can subscribe from that page if you choose or you can contact Esmeralda Guerrero at [email protected] who will add you to our list of subscribers.
Social Action Monthly Lunch and Learn is held the First Thursday of the month at noon. to view or register for our next session click here.
For those not available at that particular time, the session will be recorded and available on the Diocesan YouTube channel. In addition, Barb Arland-Fye will publish a series of articles on the experience beginning with the November 11 issue of The Catholic Messenger.
Pope Francis released his follow up to Laudato Si' on October 4. In the apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum. The new document underscores the urgent reality that we are running out of time to reverse the environmental inertia that threatens our common home.
We strongly encourage you to read Laudate Deum The document can be downloaded here:
The Diocese of Davenport Social Action Department welcomes you to our webpage. We invite you to explore our site, to witness the difference you can make by participating in the events listed on this page.
Weinvited you to answer the Holy Father's request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month. Click here to learn more...
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: For those providing/supporting direct services to people who are hungry (first foot of Social justice). Applications must be received in the Social Action Office by May 15th by 4:00 p.m., no exceptions.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD): For those organizations and projects that promote systemic change (second foot of social justice). To apply please send your request in a 1-2 page letter along with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grant Agreement. Applications must be received in the Social Action Office by May 15th. by 4:00 p.m., no exceptions.
St. Vincent’s Home: Applicants are to be located within the 22 counties of the Diocese of Davenport or serve children within the Diocese of Davenport. To be considered at the fall board meeting, applications must be postmarked by September 15.
Please visit the Catholic Messenger events page to find local and other events around the Diocese. List of events:
St. Anthony's Book Club: meets on Mondays from 6:00-7:30 in the parish center at St. Anthony's. This is open to everyone. If you have questions please contact Nancy Stone [email protected]
Looking for volunteer opportunities consider McAnthony Window. Please contact the church office at 563-322-3303. Learn more here